Leasing for improved cashflow


Basic Requirements For Leasing Application

You must be a registered business or soletrader with a VAT number trading for over a year.

Benefits of leasing your computers or plotter

  • Pay for your hardware as it pays for itself

  • Low up-front cost, tax efficient monthly payments

  • Spread the cost over 2-3 years

Improve Cashflow

Your new hardware can be delivered and operational without the need for capital expenditure. Have what you need today with no initial cash outlay.

Simplify Budgeting

Payments are fixed throughout the term of the agreement enabling accurate and simple budgeting and forecasting.

Let the Equipment Pay for Itself

Enable the finance payments to coincide with the benefits of having the new equipment as they start to appear. 


Keep Up to Date

Combat obsolescence problems or requirement changes as the equipment can be supplemented or upgraded at any time in the future. Have what you really need to do the best job for you, not just what your budget limits you to.